Last Hope of Illidan
Welcome to Last Hope of Illidan! A community of gamers who play
World of Warcraft together. Raiding smarter, not harder since 2008.
Welcome to Last Hope of Illidan! A community of gamers who play
World of Warcraft together. Raiding smarter, not harder since 2008.
The history of <Last Hope> dates back to 2008 when Gluteas started it on Thunderhorn. The guild yearned for mythic content and decided to uproot to Sargeras. Today's <Last Hope> on Illidan looks a bit different as there are now Orcs and Undead. We still raid but not at the level of yesteryear. We are passionate players who enjoy the game and hope you join us on our journey.
Our philosophy is simple: "raid smarter, not harder". Cutting Edge was hard but we did it and we made sure to have fun while doing it. This is a game after all. Because we like to have fun and not stress, <Last Hope>'s primary focus will be as much Mythic content as possible on a condensed schedule. Our raiding hours will be on Sunday 8pm - 11pm CT.
Because of our long history, we have a ton of memorable moments and kill shots. We'd love to share them all, but some have been lost in the ether. For now you can view our recorded kill videos on YouTube and our most memorable moments below. When more memorable moments are created they'll be added to our trophy wall. Enjoy!
Even though we are filthy casuals we still want to know who you are. Fill out a quick application below and one of our leaders will be in contact. The application posts directly to our Discord and we review them regularly.
750/750 Chars left